🗃️ Create a livestream
2 items
📄️ Create a livestream
This guide provides instructions and information about creating a livestream:
📄️ Record a livestream
This guide provides instructions on how to interact with the recording feature
📄️ Multistream
Multistream allows a source stream and transcoded renditions to be pushed to
📄️ Stream via OBS
The purpose of this guide is to allow you to get a more in-depth look at setting
📄️ Stream from the browser
The following includes instructions for using the Livepeer WebRTMP SDK, which
📄️ Monitor stream health
This guide provides instructions and information about using stream metrics:
📄️ Configure broadcast software
This guide provides information on configuring your broadcasting software:
📄️ Back up transcoding
Livepeer Studio routes your live streams to the nearest available Livepeer node